Rite of Passage for teenage girls
5-day residential for girls, age 14+ and their mothers
Your daughter will undergo the greatest changes of her life during her adolescence.
Her teen years will be full of exploration, stretching boundaries and self-discovery. For centuries, many cultures have marked this transformative time, knowing how crucial a rite of passage is in growing whole, healthy, adult members of society. The opportunity to access inner resources of strength and self-understanding are pivotal to navigating this threshold in a healthy way. As is the support of a community that can recognise and help celebrate their gifts.
Investment: $1600
for mother and daughter combination or $800 for a girl coming alone. Early bird price (fully paid 3 months prior to start of the program): $1500. Price (within one month from the start of the program): $1750.
The 3 stages of a rite:
1. Separation
From everyday life. Time to reflect on the childhood phase and make space for the changes unfolding.
2. Transition/Initiation
Involves a physical challenge. Allows one to engage with their own skills, limits and boundaries. From here, new levels of self-awareness emerge.
3. Integration and Return
The wider community celebrates the young persons discoveries. From this point they are acknowledged as more adult members of society where roles and relationships can change and grow.
Using nature connection, story telling, physical challenges, games, ceremony and creative arts, Tides rites incorporate all 3 stages in a contemporary way. With this approach, your daughter can access essential tools for the same fundamental, emotional and psychological shift - that of child to young adult.
As parents or guardians your engagement and support in the rite is crucial to the level of significance it has. Mums, your role will weave in, out and alongside your daughter’s throughout the week. Dads, you are encouraged, where possible, to be present on the first and last day of the rite.
Funding Your Rite
From the outset ROPF has been determined that any family who really wants to participate should not be prevented from attending for financial reasons.
To this end we have put a number of facilities in place.
Firstly, self design payment plans (minimum of $40 per week) are available to all, allowing families to spread their payments. Then, for those needing further assistance we look to a collaborative approach taken case by case.
Working together we will explore fundraising possibilities, like making grant applications to outside organisations for example and when available, we may also be able to allocate scholarship funds that have been gifted to ROPF to support families who need it.