2-day residential, for women with an interest in rites of passage, transition & lifestages.
A miniature experiential version of what a girl goes through on a Tides rite
They are for women with an interest in rites of passage, transition and life stages, whether in relation to herself, her family or her community. If you choose, this weekend is also the first stage in becoming part of the Tides team. The second stage is to participate in a full 7-day rite of passage.
Ebb 'n' Flow gives participants the opportunity to
- Learn about and experience the components of a Rite of Passage -
- Become familiar with the Tides framework -
- Gain communication and group work skills -
- Understand the developmental tasks of adolescence -
- Look at how to support young people today -
In order to take part in a Tides Ebb 'n' Flow it is important you are
- Willing to engage in your own personal development work -
- Able to function in a team environment -
- Willing to under-go a police check (should you choose to attend a full rite at a later date) -
This program is also suitable for professional development for anyone working with youth.
If looking to crew in the future it is advantageous if you have any of the following: qualifications or experience in youth work, women’s work, teaching, creative or performing arts, outdoor ed, physical activities, bush craft, camping, group facilitation, first aid.
The women supporting Tides range in age from 18 to 60+ and come with a wide range of stories, skills and life experience. Whether or not you plan to be involved with Tides in the long-term, we are interested in what you bring.
Investment: $450
This includes catering, materials and accommodation.