Rites of Passage Foundation Newsletter July 2021
Kia ora ROPF whānau,
Were right into Winter and grateful for another season of successful Summer and Autumn events journeyed. Together we support families; mark rites of passage for our young people, build community, connect to nature and harvest perspectives from multiple-generations around the fire. We remember what it is to be human, to lean into the collective and learn from the life-death-life cycles.

Di Koch
Upcoming Rites of Passage Foundation Events

Show the Love Weekend
Save the date: for those who love the opportunity to be on the land in the Treefield. The 28th and 29th August is the annual ‘Show the Love’ Treefield working bee, to get this space ready for the next season of events.
A great time to connect with others and have some fun while we give back a little of what we've received from this place during the past year.
Come for one day or both... lunches are provided. Bring food to share for dinner and please, book to stay overnight.
Please, bring tools, gloves, instruments and smiles.
Contact Natasha via email:
This is a powerful programme for any man with an interest in rites of passage, transition and the stages of life, whether in relation to himself, his family or his community. If you choose, this is also the way to become more involved with the facilitation of Tracks’ programmes and to begin to learn how to formulate rites of passage effectively for modern boys and young men. You can make a difference just as you are: your doubts, anxieties and concerns are all the stuff of living, modern manhood.
Teenagers face one of the most exciting and challenging times of their life building an independent identity, while moving into a wider world of possible risk and danger. Young people need good men and women who are prepared to share the deepest truth about their lives. Without that, they run the risk of building an identity based on guess work from peers, borrowed images, media stereotypes and the fantastical heroes of popular culture. This is a 5-day residential, for 14+ year old boys and their fathers. Don't miss this opportunity to mark the transition of your son from boy to young man.
If you are a dad and want some treasured uninterrupted time with your 8-10 year old son then you’ll find it at Rising Sons. This weekend program is an opportunity to celebrate your relationship and revel in the delight of your son - a son on the threshold of unfolding.
Together with other fathers and sons you will experience starry skies, open fires and cosy camping. Games, craft, good food and nature connection will bring you together in fun and refreshing ways.
For all Tracks events contact Adge at:
Your daughter will undergo the greatest changes of her life during her adolescence. Her teen years will be full of exploration, stretching boundaries and self-discovery. For centuries, many cultures have marked this transformative time, knowing how crucial a rite of passage is in growing whole, healthy, adult members of society. The opportunity to access inner resources of strength and self-understanding are pivotal to navigating this threshold in a healthy way. As is the support of a community that can recognise and help celebrate their gifts.
If you are a mum and want some treasured uninterrupted time with your 9-11 year old daughter then you’ll find it at Rising Tides. This weekend program is an opportunity to celebrate your relationship and revel in the delight of your girl - a girl on the threshold of unfolding.
Together with other mums and daughters you will experience starry skies, open fires and cosy camping. Games, craft, good food and nature connection will bring you together in fun and refreshing ways.
A miniature experiential version of what a girl goes through on a Tides rite. They are for women with an interest in rites of passage, transition and life stages, whether in relation to herself, her family or her community. If you choose, this weekend is also the first stage in becoming part of the Tides team. The second stage is to participate in a full 7-day rite of passage.
For all Tides events, contact: Gabby at
Wilderness Solo 25 Nov - 1 Dec 2021
Traditionally, a solo sit marks a new stage of life, a point of transition. With nature as your primal guide you allow yourself to find clarity and inner power. At this stage, the program is open to people 18+ only, who have attended a Tracks or Tides event before. This 6 day program includes:
• A day and a half preparing yourself, mentally, emotionally and physically.
• A solo sit for three days and three nights.
• After this time, there will be a day and a half of integration before returning home.
• A solo sit for three days and three nights.
• After this time, there will be a day and a half of integration before returning home.
For Wilderness Solo enquiries, contact Rita at:
There are spaces available on all upcoming ROPF events, so please spread the word
A Wilderness Journey Into Wholeness for young adults aged 18-35
Consider this a journey into the heart of awakening and healing. Our time will weave rites of passage processes, nature connection, insight meditation, sacred arts, body/feeling connection through conscious movement and dance. It will include whole group, small groups and solo inquiries. It offers three phases in three different places as part of a one month residential retreat.
There are 3 possibilities of participation, these include:
- Participate in all the phases, 1st to 30th November
- Start the journey and set a date to come out of the retreat (this needs to be stated when you register)
- Come just for the 2nd part (Insight Meditation Retreat) at the Wangapeka Study & Retreat Centre
- Participate in all the phases, 1st to 30th November
- Start the journey and set a date to come out of the retreat (this needs to be stated when you register)
- Come just for the 2nd part (Insight Meditation Retreat) at the Wangapeka Study & Retreat Centre
In late July, ROPF is hosting a Leaders week-end, which we will feed back on in the next newsletter.

Sales for our Tides Recipe book fundraiser have gone well. We will soon be re-printing this popular edition. To order copies at $25 each click this link or contact Gabby at
I'm also taking this opportunity to introduce Di, who's offered to help with getting more regular newsletters out to you:
"I arrived in Aotearoa in September 2015 from South Africa, where I had been involved in a range of facilitation work and work with women. My partner, Bryan Hansen, had been part of the early days of Tracks. In early October 2015, on a visit with Jim and Suzi, we went along to the Spring Tides Returning. I was deeply moved by what I witnessed and signed up for the Tides training a few weeks later. 9 events later, I love this multi-generational, nature based work which gives the opportunity to bring the generations that come after us into focus, and helps us all remember what it is to be human. I have made Aotearoa my home and was invited to join the ROPF board in December 2019."
Thank you for your ongoing participation and support
Mauri ora,
The Rites of Passage Foundation, Golden Bay